Comic-Con was crazy fun, and made the weekend feel like the a looong vacation, so would this be considered a stay-cation? After comic con is over you kinda get a sensory overload hangover and need a day to recover, seriously. Some of the highlights of the weekend:
- getting way too much free stuff, I actually enjoy seeing people push and shove to get a free key chain or eye patch.
- Lego booth with cool things to look at.
- Keith meeting Dave Hill, whom he kinda has a man-crush on (shhhh), I took a picture of them together and Dave's film crew happened to get footage of it, you can see Keith's 1/2 second of non fame here (link! click) you see a split second of Keith at about 30 seconds into it! woooo- neat costumes (and some not so neat costumes) oh, and making Keith take picture with them... well the costumes he approved of.
- buying lots of cool comics, I especially like the new cat comics I bought, my new fav "cat nation"
Keith with Dave Hill (how cute!)
nasty blob monster thingy
Keith and a Storm Trooper guy (one of the many)
Cat Nation!
For the past three days Keith and I have been dog sitting my sisters new pup Scooter. He's some sort of a basset hound mix. Everyone has been voting on what hes mixed with, everything from a beagle, to springer spaniel, to a dalmatian, but I think he is half pointer.Scooter is a puppy with lots of energy - which I'm not used to being that I have a 12 year old schnauzer (Giuseppe) that sleeps all day. For the most part, the two guys have gotten along, except for when Giuseppe gets jealous of scooter and takes his things.
Yesterday they even slept together, awwwww!
Scooter, Giuseppe... Giuseppe, Scooter
Hmmm... let's see, 4th of July was a foggy weird day that made my hair frizz - and since it was a holiday weekend, the estate sales were far and few between... but!, the point loma one that was soo cool last week was continued this weekend! I knew the stuff would not be so great anymore, and I wasn't expecting much. I did however score a really cool painting that I wanted last week, but the asking price had been too much... half price this weekend! I'm so glad I got it... I had been bummed about not getting it last week.
I was also able to get some glazing done for a couple of my pieces in ceramics, wooo!
July 4th, the fog just kept pouring in from the coast, it was like the mist, but without monsters, just frizzy hair (note: this pic was taken at about 5:30pm!)
The painting, I'm stoked